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Website Design


Having a website today is an obvious need for any business, but there are many differences to consider.

Type of website

FrustratedMany offer websites that are difficult to update, requiring special expensive software and training. Because of this, it causes you to update less frequently and pay someone every time that you do.

We have a different approach. We use a content management website design that makes it easy to update from any computer without any additional software. We also teach you how to do it, so you can add text, photos, posts and videos. 

Look of the website:

How your website looks says a lot about you.

  • Are you stuck in the 1990’s?
  • Does your website reflect your company?
  • Who are your clients and what do they expect to see?

These are all important issues that can mean a lot about how you design the look and feel of the website.


19182454-webNavigation is very important in your website layout and design for two major reasons

Reason 1: Your prospect is coming to your website for information and they are probably comparing you to others. Your prospect is usually impatient and does not spend much time trying to find the information. They need to be able to find things easily. If not they will move on.

Reason 2:  Google favors certain navigation setups over others. The navigation that creates the best results in Google is called a silo website. This is the type of website that we feature. The pages are interlinked with categories and the urls are keyword rich. This leaves no doubt in Google’s eyes as to what the website is about and makes it easy to index and navigate as well.



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